Step Inside My Classroom!

The first week of school with my new batch of 3rd graders has been so amazing.  The group of students I will be sharing the next 2 years with have been impressing me by how quickly they have become a community.  Before they entered our classroom on the first day of school I snapped some pictures of the room.  Here's how it looked:

The bulletin board right outside the room in the 3rd/4th hallway.  I was inspired by a similar board on pinterest.

Welcome to my room!  I made the letters above the door the summer I was hired.  This is the last year I can use them!  
Yay :)

Here's the view from the doorway.  We are so lucky to be on this side of the school with a view of the garden.  I feed the birds all year, so we see many types throughout the seasons.

State Book Award book shelf, lunch count and...the most awesome shelf that a custodian saved from the dump for me.  He built the selves and I gave it some paint.  It is big enough to hold all 18 bins and literacy binders!  

Our small group table.

Student mailboxes, etc.

Inside the bureau are all our general supplies (glue, scissors, colored pencils, etc.) as well as math supplies behind the double doors.  Keeps things neat and uncluttered.

Looking towards the right side of the classroom library

Summer reading bulletin board, filled with pictures of the kids and myself reading this summer.

Another pinterest inspired bulletin board!

Where they will track their home reading minutes this year.

Our retelling board used for read alouds.

Library Buds

My bench, I use the storage for seasonal books.

I have been looking for a magazine rack for years.  I happened upon this one last month at TJMaxx.  Our magazine drive begins in a couple of weeks, so I'm leaving the top spot free for a subscription of the kids' choice.

And finally, my space.  The flowers were a sweet surprise from my friend next door.

Feel free to leave any Qs or comments.  And if you have a classroom tour online let me know about it!

