This Way, Charlie

Thoughts on the Story: I think kids are going to love this book. Animal relationships is an interesting theme, and could tie in with other wonderful stories that highlight that theme (Owen and Mzee is a favorite). I enjoyed the gentle unfolding of the story and the animals’ relationships. Though I did find the rescue scene during the storm to be a bit too sweet and perfect. Kids don’t need cutesy all the time. A realistic rescue scene would have felt more authentic than a barnyard full of animals working together to pull the broken tree off the horse. One thing that tugs at me is that the story is based on a real animal relationship, but the setting is drastically changed. I know the story is only inspired by the real Jack and Charlie, but it felt like the blend of creative license and reality of their situations was altered too much.

Illustration Style: Digitally created "paintings". The illustrations match the moment in the story. The pages do not all follow the same format, which keeps it interesting to look at. The soft daylight that shows in gentle moments truly looks like it could warm you. I find the illustrations to be sweet, engaging, and thought provoking.

Author Website:

Illustrator Website:

Created by the Author:

Activity Guide


Make a paper horse

Make a paper goat


Author reads aloud the book:

Author interview/book explanation:

Illustrator teaching how to draw facial expressions: 

Outdoor Activities:

The two friends go on daily walks together:  Click here to find a list of kid friendly trails in Maine.

Q & A Between Author and Illustrator:

Kid Lit TV

(Literature Connections Base on: Theme, topic, characters, setting, curriculum connections)

Related Fiction Titles:

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Related Nonfiction Titles:

Owen & Mzee: The true story of a remarkable friendship by Isabella Hatkoff, Craig Hatkoff, and Paula Kahumbu, illustrated by Peter Greste

Owen & Mzee: Language of friendship by Isabella Hatkoff, Craig Hatkoff, and Dr. Paula Kahumbu, illustrated by Peter Greste

Tarra & Bella: The elephant and dog who became best friends by Carol Buckley

Animal Helpers: Sanctuaries by Jennifer Keats Curtis

A Home Away from Home: True stories of wild animal sanctuaries by Nicholas Read

Related Poetry Titles:

Animal Poems by Valerie Worth, illustrated by Steve Jenkins

Boom! Bellow! Bleat! Animal Poems for Two or More Voices by Georgia Heard, illustrated by Aaron DeWitt

Other Books by the Author:

Ida, Always

Mama’s Work Shoes

Stop that Yawn!

Stuck with the Blooz

May I have a Word?

Other Books by the Illustrator:

Ida, Always


The Snurtch

I Don’t Like Koala

Happy Hippo

Peanut Butter and Brains

Cover Illustrations: 

A Boy Called Bat

Absolutely Truly

Quicksand Pond


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